Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Arlen Specter is now a democrat. Once Al Franken is seated, which, really, should've been a few months ago, the democrats will have a filibuster proof majority. Sit and bask in the awesome for a few moments. 
There's not a whole lot to say here that's not immediately obvious: this is a metaphor for a dying party, the republicans have moved so far right that the only people left are completely crazy, blah blah blah. 
I've always thought Specter was a pretty good guy, not perfect, but good. And the word is that he's a delegate type of congressman, meaning he represents what he thinks his constituents want, not what he wants. 
So welcome to the party, Senator Specter. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice description of Specter. I call him a sensible moderate that listens to his constituents. He almost lost in '98 because he stood with the republican party on some pro-choice issues. The party leadership twisted his arm and he ignored the polls of his constituents. It nearly cost him his seat. He never made that mistake again.

    His staff regularly polls his constituents to see what they want. He won't vote the way we want all the time. He will vote the way we want on the stuff that counts because it will be what his constituents want. He'll never vote incorrectly on women's issues again.
